In January I went back to my home state of California for what I thought would be some R&R. Who was I kidding? Going home for a vacation? Fail. There are so many friends to catch up, new babies to meet, and family to hug really really tightly …and I just got choked up typing that last part.
In my best effort to embrace my “I’m on vacation” attitude I decided not to shoot anything digital for the duration of my trip, (Instagram doesn’t count does it?).  For me, shooting digital means, lugging a laptop, downloading, importing, exporting, and my favorite time waster— tweaking images in all sorts of ways out of pure creative curiosity only to leave them just as they were shot. So on a mission to give my Lightroom loving-ass (or should I say eyes?) a break, I ditched my MK III and toted my EOS 3 instead.
I got the images back today from Richard’s Photo Lab.  I had forgotten how it felt after weeks of waiting to finally get photos back from a lab. It’s was like Christmas! As I went through the images of family and friends from my two week visit I came across the 12 frames I shot of my good friend Zack and his girlfriend Baia.
Baia had just gotten home from work and it was time for me to join the masses in rush hour traffic but as I was packing up my things I caught a glimpse of these two in the kitchen, they were having a moment. You know that kind of moment that only happens when no one else is around? It was so sweet. It struck me, I had a roll of film that needed finishing and what better opportunity to test shooting film with a couple?! I asked if I could take a few shots of them, or maybe I just started shooting like a creeper, hope not :-/
Altogether I shot 12 frames, including a few cat photos. The ones below are just a few of those because sometimes less is more. Also, if you’re into large format social landscape photography, Zack is your guy.
Thanks Zack for being the guy with a counter perspective and giving me a kick in the ass when I need it. I love you man!
I think I’m gonna shoot more film this year :)