As you all probably know this past weekend Gay marriage was passed in New York State making New York the largest state to legalize it! To celebrate the new legislation gays and straights alike gathered in Manhattan for the Gay Pride parade. As luck would have Lara, Craig, and I planned to shoot that same day!

For their engagement shoot Lara and Craig decided to grab some margaritas at their favorite mexican joint El Rio Grande, then cab it to alphabet city for some more photos. After the margaritas, clearly our plans changed. Lara and Craig had brought rainbow heart-shaped balloons for the shoot and as soon as I saw them I knew we had to go join the Gay Pride festivities! I told them my idea and they were totally into it! After all, we had the celebratory props and what better way to celebrate marriage than join gays and lesbians who can now enjoy the same right in New York!

We walked a few blocks taking photos along the way, (like Lara posing with police), before hailing a cab and heading down to West Village where the parade ends and the parties begin. Lara and Craig brought their friend Jess along for the shoot. She didn’t plan to stay beyond the margaritas but she said “I’m having too much fun” and hung around with us for the entirety of the shoot! Thanks to Jess she knew of a little get-together on a rooftop above Christopher street so we headed up to take some more photos, celebrate with their friends, and toast some champagne!

This post wouldn’t be complete without saying that it makes me so proud to live in such a tolerant and open minded city. I don’t usually get political on my blog or in any public forum, but this issue is too big to gloss over. As a wedding photographer I have never had the privilege to photograph a gay marriage. I’ve been asked, but to this day haven’t had the day available. If and when the opportunity comes, I will be honored to document the occasion! Although I’m not married, being so close to couples as they make their vows and sign their marriage license, I’m constantly reminded of the weight and of their choice. The commitment two people make, the day the choose to celebrate that commitment, and the lifetime that follows are something no person should be denied– especially in the land of the free! I believe marriage is a civil right, plain and simple and finally gays and lesbians can make it official too!!!

Congratulations to Lara and Craig and all who follow them into marriage, straight or gay!!!