When first met Ashley for coffee to talk wedding details we ended up gabbing so long I was nearly late for my next appointment. Needless to say we hit it off right from the start! Tom on the other hand, I didn’t meet until the day we took these photos. We were supposed to begin the shoot at Grand Central but the weather was iffy that day so when Ashley called me from her cab she suggested we start at Central Park since we had a break in the rain. My assistant Karinna and I grabbed a cab in front of Grand Central and met them there in no time!

It was so gorgeous!! Sometimes when I’m walking through Central Park with a couple, scouting for the next good spot to shoot, I think to myself “this is amazing!” I get to shoot in one of the most beautiful parks in the world with some of the coolest people– this is my job! Central Park is a place I get asked to shoot at quite often. Because of this, my challenge to myself it to stick with the areas I know while also finding somewhere new each time. I want to make every shoot different for each couple. Whether it be framing or shooting another side of a wall or pathway or taking a walk through an area I’ve never been to. I want to give each couple their own unique set of images (I can’t deny, I get a little help from the changing seasons too!) I can’t wait to shoot Ashley and Tom’s wedding in July! They are soo much fun, I know their wedding is going to be a blast and a riot to shoot! For now, here are the gorgeous Ashley and the hilarious Tom… I mean the oh-so-handsome Tom!